about batman/christian bale

↑↑↑ DX Dark Knight Batman(點擊圖片可欣賞清晰圖片,CLICK TO ENLARGE)
Hot Toys MMS DX 02 The Dark Knight BATMAN collectible figure
This life-like Batman collectible, is true to 1/6th scale, stands approximately 32 cm tall, featuring Hot Toys figure body with over 32 points of articulation and the movie accurate -The Dark Knight- complex Batman suit.
This deluxe version comes with two functional Batman heads:
1. One features Parallel Eyeball Rolling System (PERS) and Translucent Iris
2. Alternate head features the sonar vision device -light-up eyes (cell button battery operated- battery included)
3. Three(3) interchangeable unique faces captured the Batman classic facial expressions, which fit for both two functional heads
The collectible also features:
1. Newly sculpted and developed Batman complex suit
2. Weapons and accessories -Transformable Sticky Bomb Gun, Back Pack, Grapnel Gun, Mini Mines, removable Holster, and two (2) interchangeable and Magnet featured Batman Utility Belts etc
3. Three sets of interchangeable posing hands
4. Deluxe figure stand with LED lights
跟DX Joker一樣DX B是用可動眼球,外加下巴組件,所以可以變幻多種表情
下巴零件擺在腳邊那裏好靈異= =|||
Bat suit和身形看樣子比ver.2精修得更鮮受…呃,我的意思是纖瘦XD
奇怪的是這次居然沒有搭配布魯斯頭雕,有點失望…難不成是HT計畫出DX 3版嗎?滿心期待中
(點擊圖片可欣賞清晰圖片,CLICK TO ENLARGE↓↓↓)

↑↑↑ 可怕的下巴……

↑↑↑ DX Dark Knight Batman(點擊圖片可欣賞清晰圖片,CLICK TO ENLARGE)
Hot Toys MMS DX 02 The Dark Knight BATMAN collectible figure
This life-like Batman collectible, is true to 1/6th scale, stands approximately 32 cm tall, featuring Hot Toys figure body with over 32 points of articulation and the movie accurate -The Dark Knight- complex Batman suit.
This deluxe version comes with two functional Batman heads:
1. One features Parallel Eyeball Rolling System (PERS) and Translucent Iris
2. Alternate head features the sonar vision device -light-up eyes (cell button battery operated- battery included)
3. Three(3) interchangeable unique faces captured the Batman classic facial expressions, which fit for both two functional heads
The collectible also features:
1. Newly sculpted and developed Batman complex suit
2. Weapons and accessories -Transformable Sticky Bomb Gun, Back Pack, Grapnel Gun, Mini Mines, removable Holster, and two (2) interchangeable and Magnet featured Batman Utility Belts etc
3. Three sets of interchangeable posing hands
4. Deluxe figure stand with LED lights
跟DX Joker一樣DX B是用可動眼球,外加下巴組件,所以可以變幻多種表情
下巴零件擺在腳邊那裏好靈異= =|||
Bat suit和身形看樣子比ver.2精修得更鮮受…呃,我的意思是纖瘦XD
奇怪的是這次居然沒有搭配布魯斯頭雕,有點失望…難不成是HT計畫出DX 3版嗎?滿心期待中
(點擊圖片可欣賞清晰圖片,CLICK TO ENLARGE↓↓↓)

↑↑↑ 可怕的下巴……