about batman/christian bale

↑↑↑Chris認真簽名中……注意!Bats有偷偷露臉喔(點擊圖片可欣賞清晰圖片,CLICK TO ENLARGE)
Christian Bale Premieres Terminator Salvation
Thu, 14 May 2009 at 11:23 pm
Christian Bale gets the support of his wife Sibi Blazic at the premiere of his new flick, Terminator Salvation at Grauman’s Chinese Theatre on Thursday (May 14) in Hollywood.
ComingSoon.net recently asked the 35-year-old British actor: “You’ve been an actor a lot longer than you’ve been a star. With the TMZ culture, are you concerned about it distracting people from your character onscreen? Does it distract from your performance?”
Bale’s response: “Not for me it doesn’t because I don’t know what things are being said of gossipy stuff. My life is much happier when I ignore that. As for other people, that’s their choice. If they want to embrace that then they’re probably going to sacrifice enjoyment in the movies. I really believe that, but it’s their choice if that’s what they love looking at. I don’t get it, but it is what it is.”
T4昨天在Chinese Theatre首映,貝爾跟Sibi照例大秀恩愛,討厭!你們別這麼閃行不>"<
沒想到Sam Worthington比貝爾矮耶,比較壯就是

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T4 premiere相關文章:
T4 premiere
T4 premiere II
T4 premiere in Paris
T4 premiere in Tokyo

↑↑↑Chris認真簽名中……注意!Bats有偷偷露臉喔(點擊圖片可欣賞清晰圖片,CLICK TO ENLARGE)
Christian Bale Premieres Terminator Salvation
Thu, 14 May 2009 at 11:23 pm
Christian Bale gets the support of his wife Sibi Blazic at the premiere of his new flick, Terminator Salvation at Grauman’s Chinese Theatre on Thursday (May 14) in Hollywood.
ComingSoon.net recently asked the 35-year-old British actor: “You’ve been an actor a lot longer than you’ve been a star. With the TMZ culture, are you concerned about it distracting people from your character onscreen? Does it distract from your performance?”
Bale’s response: “Not for me it doesn’t because I don’t know what things are being said of gossipy stuff. My life is much happier when I ignore that. As for other people, that’s their choice. If they want to embrace that then they’re probably going to sacrifice enjoyment in the movies. I really believe that, but it’s their choice if that’s what they love looking at. I don’t get it, but it is what it is.”
T4昨天在Chinese Theatre首映,貝爾跟Sibi照例大秀恩愛,討厭!你們別這麼閃行不>"<
沒想到Sam Worthington比貝爾矮耶,比較壯就是

(點擊圖片可欣賞清晰圖片,CLICK TO ENLARGE↓↓↓)

T4 premiere相關文章:
T4 premiere
T4 premiere II
T4 premiere in Paris
T4 premiere in Tokyo